Interested in Sustainability or Personal development?

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Interested in sustainability? In what you and your company can do to minimise our impact on the planet and create somewhere we want to live? Somewhere that we are proud to tell our grandchildren about?

Do you wonder how you are influencing our world? What you can do to create a positive impact? And what is stopping you?

Aiyana is about approaching sustainability from two view points:

  • from the outer in - perhaps the more conventional approach. Looking at what we can do to change the world around us;
  • from the inner out - reconnecting with ourselves so we reconnect to the planet. Realising we are all connected and as we wish to look after ourselves and the ones we love, we similarly want to look after the earth.

If you are more interested in addressing sustainability from the outer in, go to the sustainability section for more information.

If you are more interested in addressing sustainability from the inside out, or if you have just got to that point in your life when you are wondering 'is this it?', enough is enough and its time to do something different, then go to the personal development section.

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